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(most measurements in Fahrenheit and inches... sorry rest of the world)

Humid Continental Map

Humid Continental climate is mainly found on the interior of continents. This climate experiences four distinct seasons and a very large range of temperatures. Regular rainfall supports a large variety of plants which support a large variety of animals. 

Where is Humid Continental Climate Usually Located?

Humid Continental climate is found in the interior of continents between the 30 and 60 degrees latitude, but usually above the 40 degree line.  40 degrees north of the equator means less direct sunlight and therefore less warmth.  This climate is mainly found in the Northern Hemisphere since there are no major landmasses in the Southern Hemisphere.  If you live in northern Indiana, you know all about Humid Continental because that is the climate type you have!

What Seasons Does Humid Continental Climate Have?

Humid Continental climate is one of the few climates with 4 different seasons.  Warm and humid summers, a cool and dry autumn (fall), cold and harsh winters, and a warm and wet spring makes living in Humid Continental a unique experience of weather that will keep you guessing.

What are the Temperatures like in Humid Continental Climate?

Similar to Subarctic climate, Humid Continental has a wide range of temperatures, which means low cold temperatures and high warm temperatures.  Summer month temperatures average about 71 degrees and winter months usually average 25 degrees. However, summer days can reach over 100 and winter months often reach below zero, which produces a 100 degree temperature range.  The main reason for the temperatures of Humid Continental is latitude.   Places that are 40 degrees away from the equator are over 2,800 miles from the equator, this results in less direct sunlight and less warmth.

How Much Precipitation Does Humid Continental Climate Receive?

Humid Continental climate has a misleading name.  It is not always humid here, but it has enough precipitation to not be considered arid or semiarid.  Between 20 and 50 inches of rain falls in this climate zone.  Almost all regions with this climate experience snow.  The moisture is evaporated from the land at a slow, regular pace, which explains why precipitation falls regularly throughout all 4 seasons.

What Kinds of Vegetation (Plants) Does Humid Continental Climate Have?

A wide variety of plants are found in this region.  Evergreen (conifer) forests are found in the north and mixed with deciduous forests (leaves fall off) as you move south.  Most grasses and shrubs survive here.  Some areas of Humid Continental are covered in grassland.  These are sometimes called temperate grasslands.  This climate is excellent for farming since it has warm summers and regular rainfall. 

What Kinds of Animals Does Humid Continental Climate Have?

A wide variety of plants often supports a wide variety of animals including bears, wolves, coyotes, deer, and other smaller mammals.  Thousands of birds live in this climate region.  Many of these birds migrate.  Animals who live in climate regions with a large range of temperatures often migrate.

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